It's been a nice, quiet, and reasonably productive few days. I've gotten lots of work done and finally feel caught up on rest. Although, don't get me wrong, I am still looking forward to vacation with Mom next month. But...enough about that. That's not what you came here for. Here's what you came here for:
-Trader Joe's chocolate. Deeee-licious. Now, part of that may be because I've not had any chocolate, salt, cheese or anything else remotely satisfying or enjoyable to eat in 2+ weeks. But let me tell you, even with my return to chocolate, this stuff was good.
-New scone recipes. (1) Strawberry Rosemary and (2) Blueberry with Lemon icing. I've done some good research and these look most promising. I will make them next week and let you know how they turn out.
See, I told you most things on this blog would revolve around food. :)