Friday, January 8, 2010

Fake First

So today's new thing is really not a new thing at all. But the last time I did this thing I must have had enough wine that I forgot all about it. The new/not new thing is....LASAGNE from the Ravioli Factory. Usually I get ravioli from the Ravioli Factory. I mean, duh, why would you ever get anything else!? Today, I thought I'd stretch my boundaries and get their meat lasagne. It had to be good, I reasoned.
Well, fast forward several hours later to dinner with DBrown. Lasagne arrives at table and he says "Hey, didn't we eat this up in Tahoe?" Oops, indeed we did DBrown, indeed we did. So since I thought today's new thing was new even though it was, in fact, old, I'm counting it. Hey, it's my blog and I'll cheat if I want to!
See you tomorrow!

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